Image Space Media is the leading provider of in-image advertising for the Internet and reaches more than 40 million unique users worldwide each month with its ad overlay solution. You can find these Site to see quick implementation of ISM ads on images.
The image space is an untapped source of advertising real estate and we can help you generate additional revenue for your site without competing with revenue sources that you already have in place. Learn more about Image Space Media at Image Space Media.
ISM match relevant ads to more than 8 million images across the Internet and serve hundreds of millions of impressions per month.
To begin taking advantage of Image Space Media's unique advertising solution register here: http://pubstop.imagespacemedia.com/users/edit/000042358173d2c4?banner=1
Getting started is simple! Here are a few easy steps to get you underway.
Step 1: Create.
Start your domain setup process by clicking on the Create Tab.
- Submit the domain you want to place in-image ads
- Customize your ad display options
- Note: If you want to add multiple domains, you will need to submit each domain you want to add individually.
Step 2: Our code.
We provide you with a snippet of JavaScript. Insert it into your site's code.
Step 3: Ads.
Once you add our code, you should start seeing our Public Service ads immediately. That means it works! These ads will continue to run until we have had a chance to analyze your site for more targeted ads. This usually happens in less than 24 hours.
Step 4: Get Paid.
When are publishers paid?
Unlike other ad networks that distribute payments every 90 days, Image Space Media will pay you seven days after the end of each month via US Mail or PayPal once a $25 minimum payout is reached.
Again, to begin taking advantage of Image Space Media's unique advertising solution register here: http://pubstop.imagespacemedia.com/users/edit/000042358173d2c4?banner=1
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