Backlinks are incoming links to a website or web page. In the search engine optimization (SEO) world, the number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity or importance of that website or page (though other measures, such as PageRank, are likely to be more important). Following are a List of 100+ Do Follow Forums to Increase the Backlinks of your site:

- SitePoint
- DigitalPoint
- DotComFreak
- NewsGator
- FeedForAll
- AMD Forums
- Intel Forums
- WorldOfWarCraft Forums
- MetaCafe
- DelphiForums
- TextPattern
- SearchEngineWatch
- DaniWeb
- WickedFire
- v7n
- BloggerForum
- BloggerTalk
- RSS-Forum
- HTMLforums
- AfterDawn
- Aqua-Soft
- Xandros
- NotebookReview
- TechSupportForum
- Photobucket Forums
- CellPhoneForums
- ElanceTalk
- WebProWorld
- DN Forum
- GoogleCommunity
- Site-Reference
- Affiliate-Marketing
- GeekVillage
- WebDigity
- SEO Forum
- SiteOwnersForums
- WebmasterDesk
- Webmasterize
- AffiliateSeeking
- WebmastersHelp
- BlogTrafficSchool
- evrsoft Forum
- WebmastersHelp
- WindowsForum
- NotebookForums
- OpenSourcePhoto
- WarriorForum
- TheHyipForum
- WebTalkForums
- iHelpYou
- WebCosmoForums
- PaymentProcessingForums
- SEOchat
- Zymic
- SmallBusinessForums
- eWealth
- WebsiteBabble
- DreamTeamMoney
- WebMasterForums
- Im4newbies
- WebWorkShop
- Webmaster-Forum
- Bloggeries
- GeekPoint
- TalkFreelance
- Talk-Mania
- MyGameBuilder
- Movie-List
- FreeHostForum
- DevHunters
- TalkingCity
- IQ69
- Webmaster-Talk
- InternetMarketingForums
- AllCoolForum
- seoRefugee
- SearchBliss
- DecentDiscussions
- Microsoft Forums
- CellPhoneHacks
- Vuju
- CheckThisUp
- WebmasterServe
Did I miss any one? Let me know that!

In the future post i will try to post on "Do-Follow Websites" also.So,Keep Visiting
Have A Nice Day......!

This Forums can build quality backlinks, but mos of the Forums with new rules that every new users must post some discussion before they get Signatures. this list works good.