People have just realized that there is a way to have their every question answered online. It doesn’t matter if it is a business or a cuisine question, it doesn’t matter if they are asking which crops to grow or how they can learn to dance like Shakira. There is a site out there were that question can be asked, and it will be duly answered.
Obviously, where there is such a demand there is also a lot of money that could be made. And a premium plugin for Wordpress like the one which is reviewed right now is here to make the monetization of such sites easier.
Basically, this plugin will let you create a blog and have it automatically turned into a Q & A site. Users will be allowed to register and ask whatever they want. Others will then answer these queries, and you will be able to add contextualized advertisements to these pages in order to profit from everything.
And what’s even more interesting is that you will be able to have content pulled automatically from Yahoo Answers. In that way, you are giving your visitors something to do and read at all hours.
Wp-answers.com in their own words..!
“Utilising the power of the WordPress blogging system, we have created a plugin which will transform it into a question and answers site. Users can register to ask and answer questions posed by others. Its a great way to foster interaction between your site members.”
Why Wp-answers.com might be a killer?
The way in which it lets you take a blog and have it turned into a remunerated Q & A sites is nothing short of masterful.
Some questions about Wp-answers...!
Will other blogging platforms ever be supported?

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