Its so simple, a 5 min workout to complete and enable this feature. So, lets start the tutorial.
The first basic thing is to know yourself that " are you registered with Dropbox" if not your missing a lot of online stuff happiness. Dropbox is a cloud based storage with file sharing service. As this is the main positive point, the site has become very popular and also because of its ease to use and the basic offer of 2 GB online free storage space. Now every WordPress user can use this popular site to backup their Blog/Site automatically into their Dropbox account. This tutorial will make you easy to set-up this.
01. First sign-up with Dropbox using the below link
02. Now Install the WordPress Plugin and Activate it, download the plugin from below link
03. Now authorize the installed plugin and give it access to your Dropbox account. Then select time and date, now set how frequently do you want it to take the backup of your Blog/Site from your plugin settings page and now you can also save your backup locally (on your harddisk) also.
04. Wait for the time to arrive and awesome! the backup file will now be in the specified location.
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Happy Blogging & Have A Nice Day...!
Happy Blogging & Have A Nice Day...!
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