There are smartphoneapps for everything these days. This Christmas season take advantage of holiday apps to help you get and stay organized and maybe have a little fun while you’re doing it.
For fun and games kind of apps check out:
Santa Tracker—This app has an Advent Calendar, Countdown feature, Where is Santa? locator, Sightings (kind of like a newsfeed), Santa’s Blog, News, and Send A Letter (email rather) all for $.99. This is a really cute app for you and your kids to play with during the weeks leading up to the big day.
Grinchmas!—This is another great app to get if you want to get into the Christmas spirit with your kids. It’s a game where the user plays the role of The Grinch from Dr. Suess’ Who-Ville. Choose to be the ‘Mean Grinch’ and silence the Whos that are making too much noise by throwing snowballs at the village or choose to be the ‘Merry Grinch’ and throw presents into Who-Ville to make the Grinch’s heart grow bigger.
To help you with your Christmas shopping take a look at:
Shopkick—Turn on this app before you physically enter one of the stores affiliated with the app (Best Buy, Old Navy, Crate & Barrel, American Eagle, Target, West Elm, Sports Authority and more) and you will be rewarded in just a few seconds. They’ll send you exclusive deals for those stores and you can collect rewards by scanning certain featured barcodes at different stores in the US.
The Christmas List—For help organizing your Christmas list this year spend the $.99 and take advantage of this app. You can organize by store and person, it tracks your budget and the shopping days left. You can view gifts by store and keep details on gifts like notes, priority, price, store and status.
Gift Ideas—Is the perfect app for people who struggle to find the right gifts for people. Through the use of age, relation, personality and search filters, Gift Ideas produces a list of suggestions that is likely to be very suitable.
Holiday travel apps:
FlightAware—Never go to the airport early or unnecessarily again. This app has up-to-date airport and flight information. Check for delayed and cancelled flights before you brave traffic to the airport.
Let the apps do the work for you so you can relax and enjoy the snow this holiday season. With so many things to take care of during the busy holidays why not get a little help from an app or 6.
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