Digital asserts if chosen carefully can give you highest return compare to any other traditional asserts. Digital asserts could be Blogs, Websites, Forums, Domain names or any other online property. Out of these buying and maintaining domain names is the simplest way to hold digital asserts. Domains names are considers as a virtual real estates of internet.
What is domain flipping?
Buying a domain name at low cost and selling it latter at highest price is known as domain flipping. You could do it as a part time business or may be full time once you became successfully at it. You could also buy domain names for just investment purpose and latter when its price increases you can sell it for higher price. Today all LLLL.com (4 letter domains names got extinct); you cannot register it at regular price the only source of LLLL.com is getting from domain flippers (one who buy and sell domain names). In future 5 letter domain names (LLLLL.com) may also get extinct.
How to choose best domain names?
Below are the few points to be remembered before choosing a domain name. Also cost of a domain name is decided by below mentioned points.
Short domain names - A domain name should be short and sweet. And most important is, it should be easy to remember. Domain name must not be more than three words unless it is required to do so. For example Loan.com, OnlineGames.com etc
Avoid typo - As far as possible try to avoid typos in domain names because it may create confusions. Domain names with typo may not be that valuable. For example Bnak.com is a typo of Bank.com
Avoid special characters - Domains names with special characters are not index by search engines so don’t take any domain names which contains special characters. For example freegames.com is far more valuable than free-games.com
Domain extensions matters - The trend is .COM domain name is more valuable than any other extensions. So try to grasp domain names with .com extensions. For example SportsCar.com is more valuable than SportsCar.info or SportsCar.net
Where to buy domain names?
There are many websites, which offers online registrations of domain names. All you need to have is a credit card for making online payment. Most popular domain registrar is GoDaddy.com; you can create your free account and search for your desire domain name. Once you choose a domain name you can register it by making online payment. It may cost around 8$ to register a domain name.
Below are the lists of few top domain name registrar.
Where to sell domain names?
There are many websites, where you can get potential buyers of your domain names. You can put for an auction or can sell it at fixed price. If your domain names have that scope then it may get sold immediately else it may take time to get sale. Sedo.com is the best place to sell your domain name; you can even list it on eBay.com.
Below are the lists of options where you can sell your domain names.
Below are the lists of few examples of domain names sold out recently
fund.com $9,999,950
beer.com $7,000,000
loans.com $3,000,000
coupons.com $2,200,000
savings.com $1,900,000
mortgage.com $1,800,000
dating.com $1,750,000
fly.com $1,500,000
invest.com $1,015,000
What is domain parking?
If you just own a domain name selling and not planned to start any website yet. You can park it for free of cost with various domain parking services. Parking is nothing but showing ups ads on your domain name in the mean time you get buyers of your domain names. You may also monetize your domain names by parking services. Parking may be good options for those domain names which has high type-in traffic. Otherwise instead of parking you can start a simple blog with some good articles so as to pull traffic on it.
Below is the list of few domain parking services
Domain names are a new generation’s asset. You can invest in this digital assets to become rich & financially free. Domain names if chosen carefully can give you highest returns than any other asset class in this world.
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