Link Building |
In the world of SEO everyone is looking for links. Some are better than others, and some are harder to get. There is seemingly an endless amount of ways to start building some links, which is good news. The problem is, that building links can be hard work and you may not have enough time to work at link building on a day to day basis. In the perfect world everyones link building process would be natural. A natural link is something that is built without putting in extensive work to get your website's name out there. The funny thing is, although these make link building easier, the initial work you put in, may be a lot harder. Here are the top 5 ways to naturally build links.
Number 5 - Providing Stimulating Blog Posts
If you are looking to have a successful website, then blogging is a good place to start. Blogging not only gives you an outlet to provide news, and topics about your website, but also allows you add content easily. If you have an article that is particularly striking, then you will find people linking in so that so that others may read it too. If you have some writing skills, blogging is a great way to naturally build links.
Number 4 - Provide Something Free
Everyone loves the four letter word "free." Providing something for free that people will appreciate or enjoy is a great way to start seeing people link back to your site. It can be anything really. Free tips, free coupons, free reviews, free e-book, etc. When you provide something of value, for free, people will naturally link to your page.
Number 3 - Build Relationships
If you are to build solid relationships between yours and others sites then people will naturally start pointing traffic your way. You can do this a number of ways. Commenting on blog posts in a truly engaging manner. Do not just comment something without even reading. You can also personally exchange emails and talk with sites sharing your various tips or articles. You can even link back to sites that you have a good relationship with. Building strong relationships is just like building links.
Number 2 - Infographics
Inforgraphics are a great way to have sites naturally link back to your site. The only thing that matters is that they have to be good. They must provide detailed information, have some humor, or simple provide something that people will like. Once the sharing begins, it can take off exponentially. A good infographic can be worth hundreds of links.
Number 1 - Content

You probably guessed this would be number one, because content is still king. Quality content is what people are constantly looking for on the internet. If you have it, people will absorb it. Sites love to point people in the right direction to quality content. Providing quality content that is unique, and presented in a user friendly manner may be the hardest thing to do on the web. However, investing in quality content is your best bet. With quality content, everything else will simply fall into place.
Everyone needs their links. Natural link building can be a lot of work at first, but it will all pay off. You can obviously try other methods but these are by far the most tried and tested tactics that show results. Be creative, and you will have better luck. Don't forget that every link should be backed up with high quality content.
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