A Tamil film song in broken English tanglish has gone viral on the internet. Tamil actor dhanushs pop songs kolaveri di(killer range)has not only become the most viewed video on YouTube but has also entered business school classroom as a case study for one of most successful viral marketing campaigns.

How it Works??
Viral marketing comprises techniques that use pre-existing social networks to increase brand awareness, sales or build a positive attitude towards the brand. For kolaveri di, it was YouTube and social networking site like face book.
Why viral Marketing is so successful??
Viral marketing is like a viral attack. It’s contagious and can go out of control. It is important for viral marketing to attain critical mass after which it turns into a big wave. A brand needs to advertise where their target audience is and today youth are in the digital world. They do not watch as much television as they remain online.
We have youngsters who log on to face book and YouTube minimum once or twice a day. They trust their friend’s recommendations and can spread the word.

The viral marketing campaign should be cute, provocative or interesting. As for this song, it was all above novelty. The concept of Tanglish was never used before and people who were curious to know what goes on behind a song could see it video.
This type of marketing strategy is driven by emotions, Dhanush’s songs was all about surprise and joy. Through many viral marketing campaigns are outrageous, this was not. Instead, Kolaveri Di was all about fun and enjoyment. There’s an element of amateurship that is seen in these marketing strategies that is visible in the songs as well.
There are few reasons why people becomes part of campaigns either to be a part of a group
For personal growth or show some individualistic and altruistic traits. In case of Kolaveri Di, It was the former. People wanted to show they love music and enjoy it.
Advantages of Viral Marketing:
Viral Marketing has some advantages over mass media. The constraints (like censorship) are less; it is cost effective and voluntary. Targeting can be effective as it can be sent to the same interest group. It can reach an audience that could not have been otherwise possible.
However the flipside to it is that it can go out of control. Distortions could happen and the produces could have no control over it. Kolaveri Di has got many new versions now running on YouTube, but they are also positive. It has proved that the campaign has made it interactive and has created some engagement among the audience rather than making it passive.
The best marketing tool for movie is its music. Music is what gives a movie the momentum and makes people go to the theatres. Movie such a 3idiots has already used the technique of going digital successfully.
Other Examples of Viral Marketing:
Due to viral marketing music or movie can reach directly to the viewer’s. They can share it with their friends.
That is why promo of movie will be seen at YouTube or social networking sites before it will appears on the television, Recently SRK also done some special promo of RA-ONE on YouTube and Google+. Another example is “Dirty picture” movie of Vidya balan got the maximum hits after uploaded the promo on internet .After some day movie can be release on Internet as well as theatres because internet is growing rapidly and its provider company also provide internet in cheap prize. So internet marketing is the best way of marketing to reach directly into heart of viewers.
SRK also design game for RA-ONE and DON-2 and promoted it on internet.
Many Hollywood and bollywood stars are also having their profile at tweeter and Facebook. They tweet about their movie and share some picture of the movie making so that viewer gets involve into that campaign indirectly. This gets benefits while movie is releasing.
Now a day Television industry also adopts viral marketing strategy. They uploaded their serials episodes on YouTube and Facebook for the viewers so that viewers can watch that episode whenever they get the time and this is begin very popular because viewer can watch the episode wherever they want and they can pause it also…
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