Each and every online marketer desires to get plenty of bucks. Millions of bloggers shows interest in incredible adsense advertising which the best place to get handsome money through advertising Google products and services on our live websites. Everyday many dummy bloggers dreams get ruins by the several disapproving from adsense team as Google adsense approval is not an easy task. They had kept some norms which they strictly follow and they ask us to follow the same.
Some precautions one should take care while applying adsense account application:
Things which is matter why Google rejected your adsense application:
Domain URL & Domain Age:
This is the first and most important part to keep in mind. Google always provide priority to the top level domain like .com and other extensions. One should avoid the free sub domain url for applying with adsense . Most people do this to avoid the expense for the tld’s domain and hosting. Google also see whether present domain urls are static or dynamic. I mainly prefer one should have static url which seo friendly.
Domain age of any website measures it online presence and trust to the end user . So one should atleast complete a threshold period of 6 months which Google ask. But it will be much better if we apply a domain having age of at least a year .
Unique Content is the king :
It is said that unique content is the king for any site to come up on top in Google and major search engines. That is very much true because Google loves unique content. Google has always tried its best to provide the relevant results to the end user. So he always gives priority to the updated unique content. So unique content also has a great role for adsense account approval.
So one should always update his website with the latest content every time.
Collect a few amount of quality web links:
Prior sending application to Google adsense one should gather an ample of quality relevant backlinks. Getting backlink means not just that scrap link quantity. I am talking about the links which have both good alexa and page rank. Make sure one should not keep loads of high pr links or just buying links
Keep some social site like facebook, twitter, linkedin to spread the website content on these social platforms easily.
Do not keep any adult related backlink or site as it violates the TOS of Big G.
- Keep The Website Design Simple
- Keep the navigation menu simple.
- Make a separate page for privacy, disclaimer and ownership confirmation page.
- Keep the who is record matched with the adsense form filling details.
- Make about us page also to describe your or company profile.
If you keep this in mind for adsense application then adsense team won’t reject you. Incase if they reject, you should not get disappointed, make yourself again and rectify the errors and try until you get the result in your favor.
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who wanted to learn hot topic with latest news and updates on how to earn money on net.
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