There are
hundreds of blogs that go live on a daily basis. As a result of the influx, SEO
services are increasingly becoming important. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
are techniques used to ensure that a blog or e-commerce site ranks high in a
particular keyword in various search engines. This article discusses into
detail some of the tips you can use to make certain that your blog is
Tip #1 – Update Your Blog Regularly
A number
of blogs are designed are updated intermittently. This is one mistake you
should try as much as possible to avoid. Failure to update your blog
automatically results in missed opportunities on a number of selected keywords.
The more you update your blog with fresh content, the higher your blog will be
ranked with in a number of search engines. Fresh content is also designed to
ensure constant targeted traffic to your site. If your blog is not updated on a
regular basis, chances are that readers will no longer find it appealing.
Tip #2 – Build a Relationship with Your
Visitors and Other Bloggers
addition to being an archaic form of social media, there is a lot of money in
blogging if you are linked to the right individuals. Make a point of commenting
on other blogs, add links to other similar blogs and get in touch with blog
managers. In a nutshell, you need to be active within the blogging community.
You can easily open yourself to enormous opportunities, for example, guest
blogging by opting to get in touch with other bloggers. Guest blogging can
greatly assist you in building backlinks to your blog.
Tip #3 – Include Images in Your Blog
search engines rely on text to index your site, it is recommended that you
include images in your blog in order to make it more appealing to your readers.
Other than images, you can also include clips, slideshows and surveys. A
mixture of content can be helpful when it comes to attracting readers and
ensuring that they keep coming back to your blog.
Tip #4 – Showcase Correlated Posts
moment your readers are through with reading an article, where would you want
them to go next? It is for this reason that you need to include related posts
in your blog. Such a tactic is crucial in ensuring that visitors stay longer in
your blog. You can also go a step further to link your content with other
posts. However, you need to be careful so as not to overdo it. The average
number of links that a single article should contain is 3.
Tip #5 – Endorse Your Blog
You can
use social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and MySpace to
market your blog. Marketing a blog through social networking as well as book
marking sites is one way to increase relevant web traffic to your blog.
Once you
have designed and built your blog, do not just leave it to be idle. The moment
you forget about your blog others will also forget about it.
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